[ Academic Research ] • edition 1.0 • March/2019


About the Researchers

Jose Eduardo Ricciardi Favaretto

Researcher in Management Information Systems at FGV EAESP (Fundacao Getulio Vargas - Sao Paulo School of Business Administration). His Ph.D. and M.Sc. degree in Business Administration (Information Systems - IS) were obtained with distinction from FGV EAESP. Graduated in Business Administration (Management Processes) by Fundacao Getulio Vargas Rio de Janeiro (FGV EBAPE). He acts as Professor of research methodology in disciplines in the MBA of FGV Management and as Teaching Assistant (TA) of the discipline of Methodology of Scientific Problems in the Professional Masters in Management for Competitiveness (MPGC) at FGV EAESP. He recently published articles in the journals: RAE-Revista de Administração de Empresas, RAC-Revista de Administração Contemporânea, BBR-Brazilian Business Review - such publications as A2 in the brazilian Qualis / CAPES stratum. He received the award for best article from the academic division of ADI (Management Information Systems) at EnANPAD conference for two consecutive years (2016 and 2017). His current research interests (academic and applied) are grouped into two study fronts: 1) Management and Technology - Stage Level Measurement of ICT/IS in Organizations; Technology Diffusion and Innovation; Digital Business Transformation; Business Model Innovation; Quantitative Modeling, Data scraping & Analytics for Organizational decision making and 2) Education and Popularization of Science & Technology - Productivity, Rigor and Relevance in Scientific Research; Dimensions of Internationalization of Research; Assessment and Indicators of Scientific Production; History & Philosophy of Science.
Lattes Curriculum: http://lattes.cnpq.br/3790103269421610 .

Fernando de Souza Meirelles

He has been working for more than 35 years as a professor, executive and consultant. He is a Full Professor at FGV (Fundacao Getulio Vargas, Sao Paulo School of Business Administration - FGV EAESP), teaching in all its programs: Graduation, Master, Doctorate, CEAG, MPA, MPGC, OneMBA, GVconsult, GVpec and GVnet. At FGV, he was elected: Head of the Department of Education and Research in Computing and Quantitative Methods applied to the Administration for four terms, Executive Director and Dean - General Director (1999 to 2007). He holds a Doctorate in Administration from FGV EAESP. He has participated in several graduation programs at the Harvard Business School, MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Texas at Austin. He was a visiting professor at the National Institute of Administration of the Council of Ministers of Portugal and Ad-hoc academic advisor to several organizations such as AACSB International (American Association of Business Schools), Capes, CGI.br (Brazilian Internet Steering Committee), CNPq; EFMD - Equis (European Foundation of Management Development), Fapesp and SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online). He has created and directed Continuing Education for Executives (GVpec) and Research and Study Centers at Mauá Technology Institute and FGV, among others: FGVcia - Center for Applied Information Technology and GVnet for Distance Education. He is the author of the publication "Annual Survey of IT Use", FGVcia, 29th edition, 2018, www.fgv.br/cia/pesquisa. He created and coordinated, for five terms, the Management Information Systems (ADI) area of ANPAD (Brazilian Academy of Management).
Lattes Curriculum: http://lattes.cnpq.br/2710761627665594 .